San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog


We are sad to report the passing of Jim Shields on September 25, 2022. Memorial Services will be held Saturday, October 15, 11:00 am, at Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church.  Jim and his family were fundamental to the organization and growth of the SCFOL Monthly Used Book Sales. He will be missed by SCFOL.  Our condolences are sent to his Family and Friends.


Since 1992, Jim Shields, along with his wife, Pat, organized, recruited, and motivated the many volunteer workers required to make the monthly Used Book Sales at the San Carlos Friends of the Library successful.  Pat passed away suddenly in January of 2007, but Jim continued serving our community with his book sale organizational skills.  Assuring us he would continue weekly book sorting, Jim tendered his resignation at the February Board Meeting.  Jim has been a Board member of FSDPL, serving as an inspiration and source of information to other Friends’ branches in setting up their book sales.  He insists that a key to success is the constant infusion of new titles. 

We wish to thank Jim (and Pat) for their years of service to the SCFOL and the San Carlos Branch Library.    We will miss him at our monthly Board Meetings and his hustle during the book sales.

More about Jim Shields: Jim is a Military Man through and through.  His attention to detail has been the backbone of our monthly book sale for 20 years.  He was on active duty with the Navy for three years, and retired as a Commander after 31 years in the Naval Reserve.  Jim has over thirty years communication experience, working in Public Affairs, Technical Editing, and Information Security for the Federal Civil Service.   Jim says, “We passed our milestone of $300,000 in book sales in February, 2012.   I wish to thank you all for your congratulations and support.  I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that Pat had a great deal to do with this success.  Thank you from both of us.”  Pat & Jim 

Jim:  We will always consider you our friend and champion, and wish you the best. 
