San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

MAY-JUNE, 2022: New Branch Library Update

In May, our City Councilmember Raul Campillo notified SCFOL that a “No Further Action” letter  from the Water Quality Control Board, regarding the Golfcrest & Jackson corner lot, had been sent to the property owners and received by the City of San Diego.

JUNE: From the Office of Councilmember Raul A. Campillo
City of San Diego, Seventh District

“Councilmember Campillo was able to secure $1.5 million to fully fund the design phase for the (new San Carlos Branch Library) project as part of the (City’s 2022-23) budget adoption.

SDG&E has communicated that they will remove gas from their service on-site mid-July, and after that Stantec can proceed with repaving the lot in August/September.  Once the lot is repaved, the owner can officially notify the City that the land is ready to be purchased – our office will make sure to notify you once this takes place.

The City’s Real Estate Department is also finalizing their due diligence to make sure that once the landlord provides the notice, they can route the purchase sale agreement to the City Council within the 120-day escrow period.

Our office will be tracking these final actions over the summer and we are hoping that once the Council comes back in September, an item can start being routed to the Council for later this year to approve the agreement.”