San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

ROBOTS are Awesome

The Robotics Showcase Extravaganza 2022 was a wonderful success!  We had 186 people at the event.  Thank you to our teams and participants:

  • First Lego League (FLL), 50899 Mechanical Meatloaf, 50739 Garage Engineers.
  • First Tech Challenge (FTC), 37377 Dapper RoboNoodles,  14129 Wizalos, 4216 Rise of Hephaestus, 8097 Botcats
  • First Robotics Competition (FRC), 4738 Patribots
  • AguirreTech – Recreational Drone Pilot

Thank you to our sponsors HC STEMM Foundation and the San Carlos Friends of the Library. If you weren’t there, here is what you missed:
