San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

PREZ SEZ: Joan Hayes, 2021 Year in Review

The Friends of the San Carlos Branch Library has been able to slowly resume moving forward during 2021 with the availability of the COVID  vaccines.  Our branch library was one of many that was able to open with both limited capacity and occupants wearing masks. We have had Zoom Board Meetings during this entire year and continued making plans for the future.

Annual SCFOL memberships stand at 156.  We also welcomed 11 new Life Members in 2021 (Hotz, Janelle; McCarty, Dwight; McCarty, Campbell; McCarty, Lincoln; Moreno, Caroline Sue; Mount, Jim; Mount, Kate (McCarty);  Mount, Connor; Mount, Danny; Mount, Michelle; Petersen, Diane) and added their names as well as the five 2020 Life Member names to the Honor Wall,  bringing the SCFOL Life Membership total to 136. Your memberships are always welcome additions. 

The 2021 updated SCFOL By-Laws required the addition of a ninth member to the SCFOL Board.  Judy Williams (past-SCFOL President & San Carlos’ new Branch-SCFOL Building Chair), graciously accepted the position, and was added as a ninth member to the SCFOL Board of Directors. I thank last year’s Board of Directors for continuing in their current positions for 2022.

We have been very fortunate to fill our Historian position.  Jacque Montague has joined us in that capacity.  Welcome, Jacque!  

Sue Hotz, as our Publicity chair, has continued to keep us updated on the news from the San Carlos Branch as well as news from Central Library and the Library Shop via our SCFOL website: You may sign up through this website to receive the bi-monthly newsletters which are sent to about 500 subscribers. 

Ron McFee, as our Book Sale Chair, has worked hours sorting the many books which were removed from the library shelves.  When volunteers were allowed into the library, he and several others sorted the entire stock of these books which filled the Community Room.  Because of their hard work, we will be able to resume an outdoor only SCFOL Used Book Sale on Saturday, December 4 from 9:30 to 3:00! We will keep you posted as to when you can drop off all those books you have been saving to donate for our book sales.  Thanks also go to the very dedicated SCFOL volunteers who manned the parking lot-Tuesday-mini-pop-up book-sales  several months this year, as well as to all the patrons who supported these sales. 

We are very thankful for the continued support of the Navajo Community and look forward to seeing you at the San Carlos Branch Library in 2022.

Joan Hayes, SCFOL President