San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

July 20 Update: San Carlos Branch Library

BOOK RETURNS: Library materials may now be returned by dropping them into the library’s right side wall slot, or by depositing them into the book return bins on the left side of the library. Book returns may be made 24 hours/day from Monday at 9:00 a.m. until Friday at 5:30 p.m.. Book return bins will be LOCKED on Fridays at 5:30 p.m., and reopened on Mondays at 9:00 a.m.. Library materials may now be returned to any of the 36 San Diego Public Libraries during the above days and times.

CONTACTLESS PICKUP SERVICE: San Carlos Branch is now the designated pickup location for San Carlos and Benjamin Branch HOLDS. Do not come to the library until you receive an email telling you that your materials are available. Then on Monday-Friday, between 10:30 am -5:30 pm: BRING your phone and library card number; park in the upper parking lot near the ramp; stay in your car; call the library (619-527-3430); give them your name and library card number. A staff member will come out the left side of the library, wave to you as they call out your name and place your materials on the pick-up table by the ramp. Staff will go back inside the library. Get out of your car and collect your books from the pick-up table. There may be additionsl items of interest to you available on the pick-up table such as SCFOL membership new/renewal envelopes that can be mailed back to the library. Remember, you can renew or join on line via PayPal. The Library needs your support, and our Friends’ numbers do count toward showing our Community’s support.

LIBRARY CARD EXPIRING? All Library Card expiration dates have been extended to September. Has your library card expired? No worries. You can still sign up for the Virtual Summer Reding Program, and place materials on hold.

FREE Wi-Fi is now available OUTSIDE the 18 branch libraries offering Contactless Pickup Service. Bring your mobile device or laptop; sit in your car; get that on-line work done. Say “Hello” to our Security Guard, James if he stops by. After 1 hour you will need to re-log-on.

BOOK DONATIONS: At this time, the Friends cannot accept your gently used book donations. We have filled every available storage area, and like you, are anxiously awaiting when we can organize them and resume our monthly Used Book Sales in some “new normal” fashion. Soooo…..please keep them around, tucked in the back of a closet, until that day comes. We will be sure to let you know. Until then, please wear a face covering, and stay safe.