San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

SEPTEMBER 8, 2018: FSDPL Annual Volunteer Recognition

Each year, the Friends of the San Diego Public Library takes time out to recognize up to 4 special Volunteers from each of the San Diego Branch Library Friends chapters, and to THANK each and every person who shares their time and talents by volunteering in some capacity, somewhere within the San Diego Public Library system.  This year’s Volunteer honoring program will be held on September 8, in the Neil Morgan Auditorium located at the Central Library.  Festivities will begin with refreshments and check in from 9-9:30 a.m., with the program beginning at 9:30.

There will be reports on the “State” of the Library, the Foundation, and the FSDPL, followed by recognition of each Chapter’s special volunteers.  The event’s keynote speaker will be Wanjiru Warama, philanthropist and author of “Unexpected America” and “Entangled America.”  Warama is a Lifetime member of FSDPL.  She was born and raised in British colonial Kenya; she was educated in Kenya and in the United States of America. She holds a BSc. and an MBA in Business Administration.

The volunteers from the San Carlos Friends of the Library who will receive special recognition in 2018 for their outstanding contributions to SCFOL are,

Suie Dennis, Su Bonnet, Evie McGhee

Evie McGhee, long time SCFOL Secretary; Su Bonnet who assists our Art Chair Barbara Stewart with the presentation of our monthly art shows; and Jo Matthews and Sue Dennis whose help with SCFOL’s monthly used books sales is invaluable.  Congratulations to all of these ladies and a  heart felt THANK YOU to all of our volunteers.

During the 2017-18 fiscal year ending June 31, 2018, SCFOL volunteers donated a total of 4713 hours which is equivalent to almost 2.5 full time employees.  2877 of those hours were worked by our very diligent book sale volunteers; 1786 hours were spent by the SCFOL Board Members keeping us organized and on track for building a new branch library, and 50 hours were given for miscellaneous SCFOL/branch promotional activities.  We again want to THANK all of our volunteers for their commitment to our branch library.  Won’t you join us?  Volunteering is a very enjoyable and rewarding activity.