San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Creating a Legacy of Learning Can Cost You Nothing Today

You can create a legacy of literacy and lifetime learning by including a San Diego Public Library Foundation gift in your will or trust. These gifts are easy to set up, and allow you to make an impact while keeping full use of your assets during your lifetime. Those who make these plans are invited to join the Carnegie Society, which thanks members for their generosity. The Library Foundation is getting ready for the 2018 Carnegie Society Tea and will be inviting members soon! Long-time Library Foundation supporters Linda and Bill Kolb are Carnegie Society members because “public libraries have enriched our lives so much” (read more here). For more information on the Carnegie Society and supporting your Library with a gift in your will or trust, contact Natalie Ganz at 619-238-6643 or [email protected].