San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

NOVEMBER 15, 2017: SCFOL Annual General-Membership Meeting

This year’s SCFOL Annual General-membership meeting will be held in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery, on Wednesday, November 15, from 4:oo-5:30 p.m.

The agenda will include the introduction of 2017 SCFOL Life Members.  They are: Anonymous, Jason Benesch, David Ege, Joseph Frazier, Lesley Frazier, Dr. Stuart Karasik, Barbara Morgan, Barbara Turner, and Jenean Unkefer. Their names will be added to the Winer Family Community Room’s Honor Wall.  Their generosity brings SCFOL’s Life Membership number to 107.  Our 2017 Annual Membership number to date is 201.  Join now and your Annual Membership will not expire until December 31, 2018.  SCFOL President, Joan Hayes, will summarize 2017 activities; SCFOL Secretary, Evie McGhee, will present the 2018 slate of SCFOL Officers and Board Members for your approval, and SCFOL Treasurer, Jerry Hotz, will summarize the Chapter’s finances. Our guest speaker, former SCFOL President, FSDPL President, and current San Diego Public Library Foundation Trustee Member, Ann McDonald, will review the individual responsibilities of and the relationship between the San Diego Public Library system, the Friends of the San Diego Public Library (FSDPL), the Library Foundation, the Library Council, and the San Diego City Council.  Refreshments will be served.  We hope to see many of our SCFOL members there.