San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

OCTOBER 18, 2017: SCFOL volunteer recognition event

Volunteers make the world go round; without them, the planet would come to an abrupt halt.  Joining the SCFOL merry-go-round during the 2016-17 fiscal year were 65, fun, dedicated, interesting, book loving neighbors who volunteered over 4800 hours to organize and sell books for our monthly and Amazon used book sales; keep our chapter membership, volunteer, and financial records; schedule art shows, speakers and authors; create our website, newsletters and newspaper articles; organize special events such as the annual writing contest; keep pressure on officials to build us a new Branch Library; and stepped up and answered the call, “Who will?” We thank all of you.  Won’t YOU join us?  Make new friends while contributing to literacy and the maintenance of our San Diego Library System. The Friends of the San Diego Public Library  invited all FSDPL member and volunteers to attend the Annual FSDPL meeting and be recognized for their service. This year it was held at the Central Library  on Saturday, September 9, at 9:00 a.m.  Special recognition was given to outstanding Friends’ volunteers from each Chapter.  SCFOL’s stand-outs for 2016-17 are Ruth Coleman, Jerry Hotz, and Anne Justice.   The agenda included a summary of the year’s Friends’ activities, finances, election of FSDPL officers and directors, and approval of by-law changes. Funds generated by the FSDPL Chapters and the Library Foundation are annually matched by the City of San Diego, up to one million dollars.  These Funds are the financial source for all Branches to purchase materials (books), equipment, and programs.

On Wednesday, October 18, 6:oo-7:30 p.m., following the monthly 4 p.m. SCFOL Board meeting, there will be a “Thank-you-SCFOL-Volunteer Get-Together” in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery.  We invite our loyal volunteers to join in food, friendship, and fun. Please RSVP to Lee Ottman, Volunteer Chair.