San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

2017: Proposed San Carlos Branch Library design pictures

JANUARY, 2017: Please note that these are not final detailed designs of either the outside or inside of the proposed 25,000 sq.ft. new San Carlos Branch Library, but the working concepts of this project as it now stands.  These pictures were supplied by David Pfeifer, Principal Architect of domusstudio, who is the design architect chosen for this project.

filename-1 - CopyThis shows the library as seen from Golfcrest.  One-half of the parking spaces would be located on the open lot below the corner adult reading terrace. Entrance and egress to parking on either level is available from Golfcrest or Jackson.  The lobby and Community Room may be accessed by stairs or elevator from the lower lot.




001The front entrance to the library is located on the current upper lot off of Jackson.  Ample parking is available on this level.  The corner of the building that you see in the front, is the Community Room.




New Library 3Rough sketches of front and back views.

TOP: View from Jackson.  Front entrance is on the left side with approximately 30+ parking spaces including handicap spaces. Library may also be accessed from street level (bus stop) via stairs or elevator located in lower parking area.

BOTTOM: View of the back of the library as you go down Golfcrest approaching Jackson.  Empty space below is additional parking–40+ spaces including handicap spaces–with access to upper level library and Community Room via stairs or elevator.

Image (5)General layout of interior. Right side is Golfcrest, bottom is Jackson.  Red area bottom left is Community Room, Friends’ space and public areas; green is children’s area; purple is teen area; yellow is adult areal and blue is staff areas. The red areas above yellow are maker spaces and smaller meeting rooms.  This is just a rough idea of the 25,000 sq. ft. allocation of space.

More detail about the design plan is available at under the November, 2016 report.


Image (6)


The same as above but showing what some of the landscaping that is being considered might look like.
