San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

OCTOBER 19: Volunteer Recognition

Judy Williams, Sue Hotz, Norma Cirello, Lee Ottman

Judy Williams, Sue Hotz, Norma Cirello, Lee Ottman

Active San Carlos Friends of the Library Volunteers have been invited to enjoy a pizza party get-together starting at 6:00 p.m., in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery. SC LOGO ll main square This year’s Active Volunteers are being recognized for their 5756 hours of service during the 2015-16 fiscal year. This is equivalent to almost 3 full-time-equivalent employees; their volunteer hours have an estimated value of $154.664. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), an independent federal agency, estimated the value of volunteer time in CA for 2014 to be $26.87 per hour. Our 39 Book Sale volunteers donated 2556 hours sorting and selling books for our monthly used book sales; the SCFOL Board Members and Chairs put in 3200 hours keeping it all together and working with the Building Committee for the new branch library. At the September annual FSDPL meeting, recognition was given to outstanding volunteers from each FSDPL chapter. SCFOL volunteers named were Norma Cirello (book sales), Sue Hotz (publicity), Lee Ottman (volunteers), and Judy Williams (building committee).

Each Active Volunteer will receive a SCFOL personalized name lanyard. See Lee Ottman or Joan Hayes to pick up yours if we miss you at the party. We are always in need of strong backs to help put away unsold books after the monthly used book sale.  Contact Lee Ottman at [email protected] to become a SCFOL volunteer.

Due to the hard work of all FSDPL volunteers, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, FSDPL chapters donated $241,699 to the Libraries’ matching funds (value became $483,398) and $102,064 in non-matching gifts for a total financial impact of $585.462 to San Diego libraries. WELL DONE!  Thank you, one and all.