San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Joan Hayes-Prez Sez: Summer, 2016

Joan HayesWe are busy at the San Carlos Branch Library!  Our Friends of the Library sponsored programs are becoming more and more popular.  To mention a few: children’s programs such as the KIDS’ SCIENCE Challenge Island are by reservation only!  We had a full house for Scott Farrell, our Shakespeare First Folio speaker. There are more special authors/speakers coming in the next months.  The Summer Reading Program for all ages begins June 15. Read about all of our activities at the  web site which is so competently kept up to date by Sue Hotz, our Publicity Chairperson.

With all of this it sounds like we need a new library with a much larger community room!  We are actively working to move forward on the new building construction plans while mitigation continues on the expansion corner lot.

Mission Fed $1000 4.2.2016 Angie Lasagna, Jpan Hayes (SCFOL Pres), Jerry Hotz (SCFOL Treasurer)We thank the new San Carlos Branch of the Mission Federal Credit Union for partnering with us, and for their donation of $1000.  We look forward to working with them.  Mention us when you open a new account with them and $25 will be deposited into both your and our accounts.

Our membership has increased this year.  We now have 253 members with 94 of them being life members. Members enjoy a two hour “for member’s only” time-slot on the Friday before the First Saturday Used Book Sales to have first choice of the paperback novels. For as little as $5.00 (senior membership) you can join us! All of our funds go back to our branch library. Sign up on the website to receive activity updates.

See you at the Library!

Joan Hayes

President, San Carlos Friends of the Library
