San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

2015 SCFOL President’s Annual Report by Judy Williams

2011, Sept, New Pres, Judy Williams & Judy McCartyAs I reflect back over 2015, I am both amazed and proud of the work which the Friends of the San Carlos Branch Library has accomplished.

This year, through monies raised from our monthly Used Book Sales, membership dues and donations, the San Carlos Friends of the Library were able to donate $23,000 to the Library Foundation. This donation will be matched dollar for dollar by city funds, all of which will be specifically designated for use by the San Carlos Branch library for library programs, equipment and the purchase of new books for our collection. This past year our Head Librarian, Rita Glick, was able to contract for special programs to meet the needs of all age groups of library patrons. It is my belief that these programs and upgrades to the library is what make us one of the more vibrant and active Branches in the library system.

Our membership in the Friends has increased by 20% this year and we have added ten new Life Members. To add a little perk for the active members, we have decided to open the monthly Used Book Sale on Friday afternoon. This allows the members to browse at a leisurely pace and to be able to socialize with one another as they are searching for the perfect books to buy.

Our Website just keeps getting better and better and I did not think that was possible. Our Web Master, Sue Hotz, keeps the information updated and currently almost on a daily basis. You want to know about what is going on at the library, check the website, if you cannot find what you are looking for, leave us a message and someone will answer you. Sue also writes the articles that are published in the Mission Times Courier, monthly, providing information about the library and all of its programs and activities.

A New San Carlos Branch Library Building Committee was developed this year to focus on how to progress in making our long awaited regional library become a reality. Eleven very dynamic leaders from the San Carlos/Del Cerro area are now meeting monthly to discuss strategies and to develop plans for the future. I am sure you will hear more about these activities in this coming year.

The one sadness is that we are losing our Managing Librarian, Rita Glick. We all will miss her. Our Best Wishes for her new adventures.

It has been my distinct pleasure to serve as your President for the past 5 years. I want to thank all of you for your support, encouragement and help during this time. I have made the decision to move my energies to the Building Committee as their Chairperson; so, I will not be far away.

Judith Williams
President, SCFOL