San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Prez Sez: Judy Williams, October, 2015

2011, Sept, New Pres, Judy Williams & Judy McCartyPREZ SEZ – Judy Williams, October, 2015

This year has been another active and outstanding year for the Friends of the San Carlos Library.

The Friends of the San Carlos Branch Library donated $23,000 to the San Diego Library Foundation. This money is then matched dollar for dollar by the City budget and is designated for the San Carlos Library and can be used for program services, equipment and new books for our collection.

Our membership has grown to 314 with the addition of ten new Life Members. Many of these members regularly volunteer their time and energies to the library. In 2015, the volunteers gave 8373 hours of service to the library. This represents the equivalent of 4 full time staff.

The San Carlos Branch Library, circulation of books and materials was close to 40,000 this year, which ranks fifteenth out of the thirty-five branches. In addition to the circulation activities, there are daily programs, providing activities, assistance and learning opportunities for the community.

A New Library Building Committee has been added to the list of SCFOL Standing Committees. The purpose of this Committee will be to encourage the City to assist the community in finding ways to assure that the long awaited New Library and Community Center becomes a reality. I have agreed to put my energies to this important endeavor, as the Chairperson of the Building Committee.

As I leave office, I want to thank the members of the San Carlos Friends Board, the membership and the staff of the library, for their help and support over the past five years.

Judith Williams