San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Volunteers Recognized

Wednesday, May 20, 2015,  the San Carlos Friends of the Library and  San Carlos Branch Library Volunteers were recognized with a pizza party get-together in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery. All active 2014 volunteers were invited to attend.  There was a special presentation made to the volunteers by City Councilman Scott Sherman’s representative, congratulating the volunteers for their hours of service.  From January 1 through December 31, 2014, our  volunteers donated 2653 hours sorting and selling books for our monthly used book sales; 3230 hours helping the library staff; and the SCFOL Board Members put in 2916 hours keeping it all together helping the branch celebrate the branch’s 40th Anniversary.  That makes for a GRAND total of 8799 hours, an equivalent of 4.4 full time employees.  GOOD JOB!  WELL DONE!  Thank You, one and all.

Judy McCarty presenting plaque in memory of Orlie Baird to his wife-Gay, and daughter & son, May 21, 2015 (1)Judy McCarty presented Orlie Baird’s wife, Gay, his daughter Karen, and his son Orlie, Jr., with a special plaque, recognizing the many years of dedicated volunteer service the late Orlie Baird gave to SCFOL, the Used Book Sales and the San Carlos Branch Library. Gay Baird will also be long remembered for her lemon bars which she made for the book sale volunteers.  She has promised to share her recipe with us.

Each volunteer received a SCFOL LOGO book bag, pocket notebook, and a bookmark.  See Rita or Judy to pick yours up if we missed you at the party.