San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

NOVEMBER 19: SCFOL’s Annual General Membership Meeting

2014-08-23 Family Fun Fair, Aug 23,2014 137    What a year this has been! SCFOL’s started on January 9, 2014, with the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the San Carlos Branch Library. We would like to thank all of the Navajo Canyon Community for their continued support. We currently have a total of 309 SCFOL members, 83 of whom are Life Members. November 19, 2014, from 4:00-5:30, will be the Annual Meeting of the General Membership of the San Carlos Friends of the Library, and we invite all SCFOL members to attend.

During the meeting we will be unveiling new signage, dedicating the Library’s Community Room & Art Gallery in honor of three generations of the Winer Family.   Jack Winer was  SCFOL President from 1992-1999, and FSDPL President from 1999-2001.  A great friend the of San Diego Library system, he created the local “Writing for Literacy, Student Essay Contest” in 1997, which grew to become a city-wide annual contest for 4th, 8th, and 10th graders  and is now in its 18th year. He was instrumental in the City’s purchase of the corner Jackson & Golfcrest lot which will allow for our library’s expansion. He passed in February of 2002. Three generations of the Winer Family, (6 are SCFOL life-members), have helped to advance the cause of libraries. Jack’s three sons, Gene, Rocky, and Michael, continue to do so by annually supporting, in memory of their parents, the “Writing for Literacy Essay Contest.”
A section of wall in the Community Room & Art Gallery will also be unveiled honoring all SCFOL Life Members and Past Presidents since SCFOL’s inception in May, 1982. If you haven’t visited the Community Room lately, you will notice the upgrades of fresh paint, new chairs and book cases. We are also awaiting the arrival of a modern, new, hanging system for our monthly art shows.  Check out the new book cases that hold used books that can be purchased at any time–no need to wait for the First Saturday of the Month Used Book Sale, and new book carts on which to deposit your used book sale donations. The meeting’s agenda will also include the election of SCFOL Board Members for 2015, and approval of minor SCFOL By-Law changes.
This has been a fun year for SCFOL members. We’ve had lots of cakes to celebrate the Library’s January 9th, 40th Anniversary. We kicked the year off with an updated website, and a library yarn bombing followed by a GALA party and the making of an historical video. The March Used Book Sale passed two landmarks: over one million books have been sold and an accumulated total of $400,000 raised via used book sales since 1993–thanks to the leadership of Jim Shields and all of our wonderful volunteers. August 23, brought you the SCFOL “40 and Fabulous, FREE Family Fun Fair.” October 11, SCFOL sponsored “Just Around the Corner, Craft Fair and Boutique.”  November 19, is the unveiling of an upgraded Community Room & Art Gallery and vestibule to match the library’s modern furnishings and Children’s area.
All of the above could not have been accomplished without the support and the entire Navajo Canyon Community. We would especially like to thank our San Carlos Branch Library’s Managing Librarian, Rita Glick, without whom NONE of these activities would have made it off the drawing board; and the Mission Times Courier for donating ad space and for their continued support. Thanks also go to Robert and Chris Hotz, and Jason Benesch,  who donated their time and talent to create our historical video and design our new website; all of our business and individual donors; and all the SCFOL Members and volunteers who have generously given of their time and talent to all of the year’s special, as well as ongoing activities. Without your memberships and support of our book sales, and other activities, we would not have been able to upgrade the Community Room & Art Gallery and library, or sponsor the adult and youth activities that you enjoy. THANK YOU one and all! Let us keep working toward our common goal of a new San Carlos Branch Library. Enjoy the slide show of 2014 in review.  [easingsliderpro id=”41″]