San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

40th Anniversary GALA


2014 brought with it the January celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the San Carlos Branch Library.  All year, we will be “Honoring the Past, and Building for the Future.”  On January 8th, crafty crafters “Yarn Bombed” the outside of the library—its railings, sign posts, trees—anything that didn’t move—they wrapped up in over 10 MILES of colorful yarn.  The display will remain as weather permits. The January 12th GALA was attended by over 100 library supporters.  Awesome music was provided by SDSU’s Danny Green Trio. Our 65 SCFOL Life Members were honored and Managing Librarian Rita Glick introduced special guests Interim San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, 7th District City Council Member Scott Sherman, Senator Joel Anderson’s representative Casey Edwards, SCFOL President Judy Williams, Director of San Diego’s Public Library System Deborah Barrow, and FSDPL President Joan Curry. The Branch was presented with Proclamations from the City and County of San Diego and SCFOL received a certificate of appreciation from Senator Anderson, all recognizing the Branch’s 40th Anniversary and contributions to the San Carlos Community. Others present included past Mayors, 7th District Councilmembers, School Board Members, and past and present library staff.  SFOL members and volunteers as well as many community members who have and continue to support a viable community asset.

Please visit the library and view the wonderful historical video produced by Robert Hotz, and the historical pictorial display put together by GALA chairperson, Joan Hayes. Our thanks to her and her hard working committee: Judy McCarty, Judith Williams, Sue Hotz, Jerry Hotz, Margrette Carr, Norma Mouet, Evie McGhee, Anne Justice, Lorraine Strachota, Rita Glick, and to all of the Sponsors and donors.

A special thanks to the Mission Publishing Group, LLC, for the recent Library ads in the MTC , and to Domusstudio Architecture (Principals Lew Dominy, AIA & David Pfeifer, AIA) for the new corner lot sign depicting the proposed new San Carlos Branch Library. We also thank Chris Hotz and Jason Benesch with their continued help with the design of this website.  Margrette Carr generously donated new name tags for SCFOL volunteers and staff, as well as the 40th anniversary lapel pins and buttons.   Here are pictures of this fun event.  [easingsliderpro id=”24″]

