San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Have You Seen the NEW San Carlos Branch Library Sign?


In honor of the 40th Anniversary (January 9, 1974-2014) of the San Carlos Branch Library,     Domusstudio Architecture Principals Lew Dominy, AIA & David Pfeifer, AIA,  donated a new sign depicting the proposed new San Carlos Branch Library and Community Center to be built on the present library’s site and extending to the corner of Golfcrest & Jackson.  The old sign, put up years ago, had deteriorated beyond use.  The present 8000 sq. ft. structure is too small for our community’s needs.  David Pfeifer has worked  for over 20 years with our librarians, local groups and five 7th district Councilmembers, to design a beautiful and functional  25,000 sq. ft. building that will serve as both a library and activity center for our community.  We’re ready to go!  All we need now is your continued support…..and of course, the money.  We are actively seeking out major donors.  If you can help, please contact SCFOL President, Judy Williams, or Past SCFOL President, Judy McCarty.  Let’s get this done!