San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Collecting San Carlos Branch Library Memories


On January 9, 2014, the San Carlos Branch Library was 40 years old!  Marking the occasion will be a year filled with special events and celebrations.  We started off the year with a mega “yarn wrapping” on January 8, and continued the week with a Gala Event on January 12, honoring SCFOL Life-Members.  A “family fun day” in August and other activities are planned throughout the year.

On September 11, at the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor’s Center, in preparation for the year of celebrations, we met with past employees, friends and neighbors of the San Carlos Branch Library. For five hours, videographer Robert Hotz, recorded their reminisces of the early days of the San Carlos Branch Library while others reviewed and attached names to  many of our 1500 historical photographs. Bill Glick,husband of our Managing Librarian, Rita Glick,  acted as interviewer–gently tugging at the memories of the story tellers.

Those sharing their historical insights included MTC  Publisher Jim Madaffer and its new Editor Doug Curlee; SCFOL President-Judy Williams, San Carlos Community leaders Judy McCarty, John Pilch, Jay Wilson,Toni Noel, and Dorothy Leonard; Librarians Rita Glick and Barbara Schwartz; San Carlos Branch past-employees Mark Davis, Rachel Tait, Linda Moskovics, and Vanassa Goodman.  Adding their stories were past & present members of the SCFOL Board and our Historian-Joan Hayes as well as SCFOL volunteers.  With the help of our talented Friends and neighbors, Robert Hotz &  Joan Hayes created a Digital History as well as a pictorial history to share with the community throughout our Anniversary year.

This was a wonderful event.   If you were not able to attend, let Rita know.  There may be another opportunity for you to share your story.  We can also use help in identifying those pictured in our eight photo albums.  Help us keep our history alive as we look to our next 40 years![easingsliderpro id=”11″]