San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog


IMG_2668On November 20, 2013, we threw a Pizza Party to thank the many SCFOL Volunteers for their hard work and the generous sharing of their time.  They had previously received official name tags that were donated by Life Member and Membership Recruitment Volunteer, Margrette Carr.  Ryley Webb represented 7th District City Councilmember Scott Sherman, and along with SCFOL President Judy Williams and Volunteer Chair Debra Kues presented the volunteers with a “Certificate of Recognition” from the City of San Diego. IMG_2640 This fiscal year, ending June 30, 2013, Volunteers worked a grand total of 7885 Volunteer hours– equivalent to 3.94 Full Time Employees. Library Volunteers donated 2525 hours of their time assisting our Library Staff;  San Carlos Friends of the Library Volunteers donated  3846 hours working to give our community the best Monthly Used Book Sales, Craft Shows, Art Shows, and Programs; Your SCFOL Board members donated 1514 hours helping to organize it all. THANK YOU one and all! [easingsliderpro id=”21″]