San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

The Fiscal Year 2011-2012 in Review:

The San Carlos Friends of the Library would like to THANK YOU, our MEMBERS, VOLUNTEERS, and PATRONS for your support during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012.  Due to everyone’s effort, five hours on Mondays were added to the Branch Libraries’ weekly schedule, with the hope of an additional 3 hours being added to the Monday schedule in September.

During this fiscal year, ending June 30, 2012, the San Carlos Friends of the Library donated $34,305 to purchase directly –or in conjunction with the city’s matching funds program–new equipment, books, media titles, and entertaining programs.

We would like to share with you what these funds and the efforts of 140 SCFOL Volunteers and a Library Staff of 13–about 6.75 Full Time Equivalent Employees (FTEs) brought to you this year.

1) SCFOL maintains the website and publishes a bi-annual newsletter. Our newsletter is mailed in the fall (September) and again in the spring (March).  The website is updated daily-as needed.  So keep it bookmarked for quick access to the CALENDAR, MEMBER NEWS and CURRENT EVENTS at the library.  Visit

2) SCFOL volunteers are totally responsible for the Monthly Used Book Sales that occur on the first Saturday of every month.  In 2011-12, they worked 2840 hours making it one of the most successful in the City.  Since this is our main revenue source, we ask for your continued support of this venture.  This year, Book Sale mornings even included entertainment.

3) In August, the library was spruced up with new chairs, tables, media racks, and signage, purchased with SCFOL/matching funds.  During the last 12 months, 54 volunteers worked a total of 2342 hours assisting our Library staff—about an additional 1.2 FTEs to serve you.

4) Youth Programs underwritten by SCFOL include the Youth Summer Reading Program,  year-round Pre-School and School Age Reading Times,  Stuffed Animal Sleepovers, Kid’s Yoga, Wii gaming, movies and special fun programs for Teens.   SCFOL also underwrites and judges the Annual Youth Essay Contest for 4th, 8th, and 10th graders. San Carlos consistently produces city-wide winners. Check out YOUTH PROGRAMS on our website.

This year, 511 youth ages 0-18 participated in the San Carlos Summer Reading Program.  71% of the teens and 50% of the younger set completed the 10 books or hours of reading required to win Padre Tickets, books and other goodies.  The San Carlos Library Teen Program included an Evening High School Hangout Night, Water Wars, Wii Gaming on our theater sized screen, and first-run movies.  The Kids’ program added the “Stuffed Animal Overnights” to the fun Thursday morning programs of Literature Comes to Life, Craig Newton, Extreme Rahim, Amazing Dana, Ronald McDonald, Buccaneer Pirate Band, Hullabaloo, Wild Wonders, Sparkles the Clown, and our grand finale—Mad Science (attended by about 100 people)– which took place on August 16that the Mission Trails Regional Park Auditorium.  The program was followed by a tour of the center.   We wish to thank MTRP, our cool entertainers, Volunteers, librarians– especially Eric Chamberlin-Youth Services Librarian, the Friends of the Library and our corporate sponsors for making this annual event so successful.  Thousands of San Diego youth benefit from this city-wide program.

5)  SCFOL offers FREE daytime guest speakers on a variety of subjects. Some are authors while others share the expertise of the community organizations they represent. Their schedule may be found on our website under SPEAKERS.

6)  Very successful-standing room only-OASIS daytime programs were added to the mix on the third Friday afternoon of most months.  Check our website under SPEAKERS for details.

7) SCFOL invites local artists to display and sell their art in the Community Room of the San Carlos Library.  Most have an Artist Reception, which includes refreshments, on the third Saturday of the month.  A portion of their proceeds is donated to the Library.  Please support them, and stop by monthly to vote for your favorite work of art.  A box is on the wall for you to cast your “People’s Choice Award” vote.  The favorite painting each month will then hang in the main library for an additional two months for all to enjoy.  ARTISTS are listed on our website.  When considering a new piece of art for your home or office, check out the artists who have shown their works at our Library–and mention SCFOL.

8)  FREE Gentle Chair Yoga classes are offered on Thursday afternoons, Children’s Yoga on Tuesday afternoons, and Mindfulness Based Meditation, on two Saturdays a month.  Check the website calendar for details.

9)  FREE computer classes for Seniors and knitting classes for all ages have been added.  Other adult courses on a variety of subjects are offered throughout the year.   In May we offered a series for Seniors.  Let us know what interests you.

10)  SCFOL purchases newly published books that may be rented by its members for $0.25/day, and by non-SCFOL members for $0.50/day. These books are later donated to the Library’s collection.  Updated available titles can be found on the website.  Seven of the Great Course Series were also added to the collection this year.

11) SCFOL supported the very popular ZUMBA classes this year, but the noise level proved to be too high for our library environment and will soon have to be canceled.  Other fun activities include Tuesday Open MIC Nights, the Thursday Book Club and the Oral Story group (AKA: A Story & Stanzas Gathering).

12)  SCFOL supports all City-wide Library activities including the “One Book, One San Diego” selections. Several of the authors have spoken at San Carlos.

13)  SCFOL supports the San Diego Library system through the “Mission Statement” of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library.

14)  We are always hopeful that San Carlos will have a new branch library in its future.  SCFOL supports the Library Foundation in its efforts to find one or more donors who will kick start the building process by underwriting a portion of its cost.  If this legacy appeals to you, please contact the Library Foundation at 619-238-6638 or visit

In addition to the 1514 hours donated by the SCFOL Board members, our 140 Volunteers gave a total of 5136 hours of their time and talent to make your library even better.  That’s a total of 6696 hours which is equivalent to 3.4 full time employees. A big THANK YOU to all! It is really appreciated by the library’s staff and its patrons.  NEW VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES are listed on our website.