San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

SCFOL Board President: Judy Williams

2011, Sept, New Pres, Judy Williams & Judy McCartyBorn and raised in Arizona, I moved to San Diego over twenty years ago.  Following graduation from the University of Arizona, I spent the early years of marriage raising a family.  We have two adult children, one of whom lives here in San Diego and the other in Michigan.

When I decided to enter the work force, my career began as the Executive Director of a new social service program working with runaway and homeless youth.  This position gave me valuable training in operating and managing social service programs including grant writing, budget management and community education.  Prior to moving to San Diego I was hired as the Marketing Director of a Psychiatric Hospital in Tucson and from there was offered a promotion at Southwood Psychiatric Hospital in Chula Vista as their Assistant Administrator.  Prior to retiring, I held the position of Vice President of Prevention and Early Intervention programs at the Vista Hill Foundation.

I have found retirement to be very rewarding as it offers me time to explore new adventures and to give back to the community in many ways.  Until recently, I was a senior volunteer at Grossmont College’s Child Development Center.  I enjoyed sharing my love of reading with young children just learning the joy of stories and books.  This led me to the library system which I find so important and valuable to all ages in our community.

I am fortunate to have a wonderful and supportive husband, Mike Lugo, who encourages me to stay busy and active.  He has returned from his own adventure in Seoul, Korea where he was working for a large architectural firm helping to develop their International Architectural Specification.

I hope everyone in our community will join me in supporting the SCFOL through membership in the Friends of the Library, and volunteering at the library.  It will be my pleasure to serve the community and library as the new SCFOL President in September, 2011.