San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

JANUARY 24: Author Jennifer Coburn

  Friday, January 24, 2-3 pm at the San Carlos Branch Library, join us to hear local Author Jennifer Coburn present her newest novel, The Girls of the Glimmer Factory, a poignant and inspiring tale of resistance, friendship and the dangers of propaganda.  Coburn, author of Cradles of the Reich, spoke earlier in 2024 at the SCBL and filled the room.  click Author Jennifer Coburn

Hannah is a Jewish prisoner at Theresienstadt, where the Nazis plan to make a propagandas film to convince the world the the Jewish people are living well in the camps.  Hannah’s former friend, Hilde, is a true believer in the Nazi cause, working in the Reich Ministry of enlightenment and Propaganda.  When the two face off, they discover who they truly are–and who they are meant to become.
