Judy Williams, SCFOL PREZ SEZ:


IMG_3086The Friends of the San Carlos Library see the occasion of the Branch’s 40th Anniversary as an opportunity to recommit themselves to the future and the building of a new Library and Community Center.  I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the SCFOL’s vision for the future.

Recently, someone asked a group from the San Carlos library why the community has not been more visible in making its desire and need for a new library known.  I think we had become a bit like the old sign of the “new library” on the corner of Jackson and Golfcrest: faded, discouraged and tired.  But looking at the corner today, we see a NEW sign that points to the possibilities for the future. SCFOL has made the commitment to stand tall and make our voices heard. We are attending City of San Diego budget meetings where there is discussion of how monies will be allocated, and have strongly advocated for dollars to be set aside for libraries.  We have met with our City leaders, 7th District Councilmember Scott Sherman and Interim Mayor Todd Gloria.  We will continue these meetings and look for other avenues to make our needs and desires known.

I have also heard people say that with the new technological age, libraries will no longer be needed.  Oh, I beg to differ with these naysayers!  I believe the need will be even greater in this age of rapid technological advances. One Texas community’s library system decided to provide services only through the new technologies (electronic devices and computers) and they claim to be even busier than ever.  However, there will always need to be a place to archive and shelve printed materials; to say differently is like saying our history is not important.

The new San Carlos Branch Library and Community Center will provide and meet both of those needs. Just as we have moved beyond the microfiche and card catalogues, we need to move ahead to provide computer labs so patrons can come in and use our computers just as they have read our books.

So, how do we move from where we are now to make this vision a reality?  Here is what the San Carlos branch library needs from you:

  • Talk with your friends and neighbors about the need for a new and larger facility that can provide the space and technology needed by the San Carlos community.  We already have the plans for a 25,000 square foot combination library and community center.
  • Continue to remind our elected officials that the need is real and ask them to advocate for the needed funds wherever they can.  Often they hear of possibilities long before the average citizen does.
  • Let me know if you or someone you know might be interested and willing to help us raise a cornerstone gift of $5 million.  Yes, I know this is a big number, but we have to start thinking big; to do otherwise means we run the risk of wilting and going quiet again.
  • Continue to support the first Saturday of the month Used Book Sales.  All of the money stays at the San Carlos branch.
  • If you are not a member, please consider becoming one.
  • Go to this Website frequently.  It will give you the current news. Make comments—ask questions.  We will respond.  If we need help we will let you know right away.

The Friends of the San Carlos Library Board meets in the library’s community room on the third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m.  You are welcome to attend at any time.

Judith Williams, President, SCFOL