San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Meet Our Book Sale Manager: Ron McFee

DSC00027  COMICS: A literary form read world-wide, was first introduced to the American public in 1842. But not until 1934, with the publication of the first comic books and the 1938 introduction of Superman, did the Golden Age of Comics begin. As a youngster, Ron McFee, our Used Book Sale co-manager, became hooked on comic books. He describes himself as, “A natural book worm,” and says, ” I loved the picture and story combinations found in comic books.” He credits his immersion into the stories of superheroes and their nemeses, to his early vocabulary development, advanced reading level, and ultimate career choices. When Comic-Con was in its sixth year at the El Cortez Hotel, the owner of a Lemon Grove Comic Book Store, frequented by then 12 year old Ron, asked Ron if he would help him at Comic-Con in exchange for a participant badge. Ron quickly agreed, and his immersion in Comic-Con grew with the show. In 1992, he joined the Comic-Con Committee–helping in the development of the now world famous Comic-Con International held annually in July at the San Diego Convention Center since its opening in 1991. Attendance has grown from 300 in 1970 to 130,000 today, offering 700 events. This year, tickets sold out in one hour.
In 2015, as we were setting up the library’s CHAT ROOM, grinning from ear to ear, Ron announced his selection as one of five judges who will choose the 2015 finalists for the Will Eisner Awards. Named for Will Eisner, writer and illustrator of The Spirit comics and a force in the comics industry, these awards are the “Oscars of the Comics World.”  The winners are announced on the Saturday evening of Comic-Con. Winners are chosen by their peers from the five judges’ list of finalists in 29 categories. Four of the judges work in the comics industry; Ron was chosen from the more than 350 Comic-Con International Committee Members to represent the Comics’ Fan Base. We congratulate Ron, who began his SCFOL volunteering days in 2010. His organizational skills and knowledge of books are invaluable to us.  He is a volunteer extraordinaire!
For a number of years, Ron has also assisted in the distribution of thousands of comic books to participating San Diego Branch libraries for National Free Comic Book Day. This event was created twenty-three years ago by a California comic book retailer and Diamond Distributors, to be celebrated annually on the first Saturday of May. Many comic book publishers annually create unique editions, just for this day.  Annually,  local publisher IDW has donated 3500, age appropriate comic books to San Diego Libraries.
