San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

OCTOBER 11: “Just Around the Corner, Craft Fair & Boutique”

Back in the Saddle June Cleaver stylePeggy Howe (6)Our next big SCFOL event was  “Just Around the Corner, Craft Fair and Boutique,” on Saturday, October 11, 204, from 9:00 to 3:00. Due to Library space restrictions, it was held “just around the corner” at the San Carlos United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at the corner of Navajo Rd. and Cowles Mountain Blvd. JAC fliers.  Attendees purchased a wonderful variety of handmade items created by 40 JURIED crafters. Tickets were available for Opportunity Drawings  at $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00, and made one eligible to win items donated by the crafters and the following merchants and individuals:The Trails Eatery, Suzie’s Hallmark at Fletcher Parkway and Navajo, Vons at Fletcher Parkway and Navajo, Lynnie Gambardella at Michael Nelson Studio, Linda Krone: Manicurist, Evie McGhee, Rita Glick, and Joan Hayes.  The PHHS water polo team pitched in to help the library and had their own booth. A list of the participating crafters and their crafts may be found by clicking  Crafter List, October 11, 2014 10.4.

A special thanks to Co-Chairs Rita Glick, Ruth George and Sandy Gillins, and their awesome committee: Joan Hayes, Judy Williams, Sue Hotz,   Glenice Stainbrook (our mentor) , Jerry Hotz, Margrette Carr,  and Bernadine King.

Peggy Howe (4)Why did SCFOL sponsor a craft fair?  Our libraries support a variety of community interests and the San Carlos Branch Library has a very active Crafters’ Circle that meets on Mondays from 1:00-5:00 pm. It’s free, and you are welcome to join them at anytime–click on Crafters Circle.   The Fair gave our community’s crafters a venue where they could sell their handmade items while supporting the library with their donations; and you, the buyer supported our crafters and branch library by purchasing one-of-a-kind items for yourself or Holiday gift giving. A real “hat trick.” We thank all who came on October 11, arms loaded with purchases. [easingsliderpro id=”42″]
