San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog


2011, Sept, New Pres, Judy Williams & Judy McCarty This has been an active and busy year for the Friends of the San Carlos Library.


Let me start by saying thank you to the twelve new Life Members at San Carlos.  We are so happy to have you and your support.  We also appreciate those of you, who renewed your membership and continued your support of the library,


This was the year that the library system saw the completion of the new Central Library.  We are all happy to have the prominence in the downtown skyline.  If you have not seen the library, I encourage you to do so.  San Carlos participated in the activities of the new library by pledging a $10,000 loan to help the new Gift Shop, which is housed in the Central library.  Money for the Gift Shop was not part of the original cost and therefore additional money’s needed to be raised.  Our loan was part of the $100,000 raised by the Friends of the San Diego Public Library.


On January 9, 2014 the San Carlos Library will celebrate its fortieth anniversary.   A committee has been called together and has begun work on ways in which to highlight the activities of the library and to focus on the need for a new library.  These activities will be held throughout the year of 2014.  Honoring the Past and Building for the Future was selected as the slogan for the year and you will see the logo on all of our materials.  Activities in the works include a video of the library’s history, a picture gallery that will hang in our community room, a Gala to be held on January 12 and a Family Festival to be held in August.  You will be seeing and hearing much more about the activities as the year goes by.  Please plan and join us in our celebrations.


The Board has decided this is a good time to raise the awareness that San Carlos is still in need of its new library.  The Fortieth Anniversary is a good time to let the community know we have not given up.  Action Steps that have been taken include, 1) meeting with the architect to update the plans, assess the cost, and request a new sign for the corner lot; 2) Members of the Board have also met with Mayor Filner, Scott Sherman, City Council and attended the Navajo Community Planners meeting to advocate for the new plans.  The NCP has placed San Carlos as one of their high priorities; 3) The Website now shows our current building and the mock up of the new building; 4) Both the Mission Times Courier and the Reader have had articles highlighting our renewed efforts to find the funds to move the project forward.


Children’s Area

The Children’s Area has been upgraded with new carpet, storage bins, tables and chairs, plus games and other equipment to make the area more usable for our children.  The Friends are indebted to a neighbor whose generosity made this all possible.

Essay Contest

It was a great success again this year.  We had six schools and 94 students participate in the contest.  The essays were excellent.  We are very proud of the six participants who were selected to present their essays at the Citywide Contest, two of whom were winners in their age group.

Book Sales

I want to recognize the continuing growth and development of the Book Sales.  This is wonderful.  It could not happen without the insight and leadership of Jim Shields and Ron McFee.  Also our volunteers who work tirelessly to make the sales happen, which includes sorting, set up, sales, closing and transportation.  Thank you all so much.


I want to thank Sue Hotz for the amazing job she does with the publicity for the library.  The recent upgrade of the Website makes our site so easy to use.  The information is current to the day and provides news and information about all of our activities.  Thank you so much Sue, Chris and Rob Hotz for all of your creative work.

We invite our Navajo community to continue to check out books at our branch, and to attend the many programs developed by our librarians and SCFOL Chairpersons.


Judith Williams, SCFOL President
